Cleaning the environment is very important. There are a lot of benefits that we can get from cleaning, such as health benefits (a clean environment reduces the risk of diseases), sustainable resources (a clean environment is essential for the preservation of natural resources), biodiversity preservation (cleanliness helps protect diverse ecosystems and endangered species), etc. I can say that cleaning is an investment in our future. By taking action today and every day, we can have a healthier environment in the future. Practicing cleanliness can make a difference for us. It is our responsibility to leave a clean environment for the next generation.

Watering plants is one of the best way to take care the environment. It involves providing the right amount of moisture to support their growth.

Planting plants like tree provide everything we need in our life such as shelter, decreases calamities, it gives fresh air and etc.

Sweeping everyday helps prevent the accumulation of pollution in the environment by removing harmful particles that can negatively affect soil, water, and air quality.

Proper disposal is the act of putting the trash in the right bin.


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