New Quarter, New Knowledge

The learning or discoveries that I have gained during this quarter are Html where in I learned about the Nested List and Description list. We also tackled CBR or Community-Based Research, I learned the parts of the CBR and the purpose of the research. The problems or challenges that I encountered are the nested list and designing the web page of our CBR. It's difficulty for me to do the Nested List because I didn't really understand about the topic. Designing our CBR is also difficult because me and my team really don't know how to design a web page. Fortunately, one of my team mates know how to do it. I address this challenges by asking for help with my classmates, teacher and practice teacher. By asking them, it became understandable making the work easier for me to accomplished. Moving on, I will study harder and I will keep learning. I will continue learning about HTML so that my knowledge about it will grow.