It's Time to Improve Yourself

New Year means New Me, this year had been a blast, enjoying, traveling, talking and laughing with friends, family, and relatives. So much memories were created and I would cherished all those memories, reminding myself that this year had been fun. As the year 2024 ends, I would like to change a lot. I would like to improve myself, enhance my knowledge and skills, do what makes me happy and save money. Why do I want to change myself? Is it because changing yourself doesn't make you different but make yourself improve. Enhancing my knowledge because I wanna do better this year, I would finish all the assignment, projects that needed to be accomplish right away so that I would'nt cram, Enhance my skills so that I can do everything and I can perform the task much easier, better and effectively, Save money so that I can buy whatever I want for the next year, do what makes me happy because this year did not make me happy since I can't really do what I want. In conclusion, New ye...